Birds over Grey Water
Núm. producto: ASTUTE 514-30
Autor: Eileen Pakenham
Edición: Barbara Pommerenke-Steel
Para mandolina y piano
Nivel: Intermedio plus
This is a very atmospheric piece in which Eileen Pakenham uses the harmonies to get advantage to create a mysterious scene of Birds over Grey Water. There are a number of tempo changes which should be observed carefully.
Right Hand Stroking:
The use of right hand techniques follows a recording by the piece by Eileen Pakenham and Irene Bone. Symbols or words have been added to show where you are asked to use down or alternate stroke. In all other places you are asked to use tremolo. Use continuous tremolo where the notes have been connected with slurs. Players who differentiate between 2:1 and 2:2 alternate stroke can make their own choice where to use which technique.