Capriccio Nr. 6 for mandolin and guita
Núm. producto: KM 2148
9,00 €
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Pietro Denis (1720–1790)
Capriccio Nr. 6 (5')
for mandolin and guitar
arr. by Gertrud Weyhofen
Guitar continuo: Olaf Van Gonnissen
level of difficulty: medium
The edition contains the No. 6 of a total of 6 capricci written by Pietro Denis. They were published in his three-volume textbook "Method Pour apprende á Jouer de la Mandoline, Paris 1768". We are thus in Paris, the culturally most important place for Italian musicians such as the Mandolinist Pietro Denis, Gabriele Leone, G. Battista Gervasio, u. a. Stylistically, the Capricci belong to the "Galant style", which has been a new way of composing in the Rococo era. This differs from the contrapuntally learned style of the high baroque.